Sunday, August 17, 2008


All of our schedules (Brent's, Josh's, mom's and mine) finally worked for us to go to Italia together! We got to go for two weeks and had a blast! Pictures are pretty sparce (and grainy), but we are just glad to have some after all of our camera troubles!

We began in Milano. This is the Galleria.

This is the church that has Da Vinci's fresco, The Last Supper. Wow! One day we went to Lago di Como from Milano. It was GORGEOUS! Brent and I will definitely be back!
We stopped in Bellagio for lunch, gelato, and some shopping! It was such a cute little town.
We also stopped in Varenna. We weren't there long, basically just long enough for the boys to get more gelato!

From Milano, we went to Venezia.
After Venezia, we went to Firenze, Roma, and Napoli. We went to the town I lived in, Castiglion Fiorentino, and to Fiesole (both outside of Firenze). While in Roma, we went to Pompeii. From Napoli, we went to Positano and Capri. It was a very busy trip, but I was so happy to be back in my home away from home...with my favorite people!
For those interested, there are more pictures posted on my facebook.