Saturday, October 10, 2009

Paris! Paris!

Brent took me to Paris for my 30th birthday! It was so nice to go back with my man! The weather was perfect (Last time I was there it was FREEZING!)! We saw a lot, some that I didn't get to see last time and had a blast! I could definitely live in Paris!
First we went to my favorite museum, the Musee di Orsay. I love this museum for its architecture as well as its collection! It is an old, renovated train station. It houses an impressive amount of impressionist paintings.Eiffel Tower!
We went to Pere Lachaise one morning. I was kind of reluctant when Brent brought it up, but it was so cool! It was HUGE, a city of its own. Many famous writers, musicians, and artists are buried here, including Jim Morrison. We went to a few of them and just wandered around the rest of the time.
Jim Morrison's grave Below is Oscar Wilde's tombstone, which everyone kisses (not us)! Those are lipstick stains covering it.

We went to Sainte Chapelle to see the beautiful stained glass windows! They are incredible!
Brent discovered that Notre Dame is his favorite church.

And then he ate his favorite thing, gelato! So close to Italy that you can get the good stuff!
One of the markets by the Seine River. I love photographing the old locals! Weird, maybe, but they capture the European lifestyle to me.

Arch de Triumph
One day we took a day trip to Versailles. It was so vast; it was incredible! It was so surreal to see the Hall of Mirrors in person! The gardens were my favorite part! Beautiful!
We went to the Louvre our last day along with a couple of other museums! I LOVE the Louvre! There is so much in one place! It is so cool to see all of the pieces that I studied in school!Napoleon's apartment in the Louvre After the Louvre, we went to L'Orangerie which houses Monet's water lily paintings. There are two circular rooms with paintings that run the entire length of the walls, almost floor to ceiling!
The last museum we went to was Rodin's. We got to see "The Thinker" and the "Gates of Hell". He was a busy man! I could not believe how many sculptures he did!
La Defense Grand Arch

Monday, August 3, 2009

Farewell to NY

It was a wonderful summer in New York! We WILL be back! I miss it already! Dallas has never seemed so small! I will miss the street scenes and the convenience of walking everywhere or jumping on the subway! We will soon have the DART running by our place in Dallas, but I'm sure it will pale in comparison.
I will greatly miss the culture New York has to offer and the culture of the city itself! Wicked on Broadway was spectacular! We might save all of our musicals for our NY visits from now on! All of the unique shops and boutiques will be missed. We lived in the center of the boutiques for all of the up and coming designers!
And the ARCHITECTURE! Need I say more?

Most of all, I will miss being able to hang out with my hubby all day, every day! Thanks, Babe, for the best summer ever! I can't wait until next year! Love ya!