Saturday, January 24, 2009


I went to the Rodeo with my dad last night so I could get a "Hook Em Horns" pic. We had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Manly Sunday"

Josh designated last Sunday as Brent's "manly Sunday" due to all of the "macho" things they crammed into the afternoon, one of which was driving the GTO!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Country Roots

My Dad's place is the perfect place to play with the camera! I took a ton of pictures today. Here are a few.

"New York. New York."

New York was AMAZING! I am so excited that we will be spending the summer there! I can't wait!

This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip (of Josh). Again, there are more photos on my facebook.