Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Adventures

We went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Annex one afternoon, which is really close to our place. They have a special John Lennon exhibit right now, which was awesome. We really enjoyed this museum! We then headed to Kieth Haring's POP SHOP, but found out that they had shut the doors. We did happen upon this famous mural of his. About a week later we walked back by (it is very close to our apt), and some artists were doing a new mural over it. I was so excited that we saw it before they did away with it, partly because I have my students study this artist in Intro. Art.
We have walked around West Village and Greenwich Village a lot. We love all of the little neighborhoods in the area! Below we are eating dinner at Cowboys. We loved this place!
Another day we did the NBC tour. It was pretty interesting. Here we are behind a news desk. Scary thought!