Tuesday, August 17, 2010


From Capri we took another boat over to Sorrento. Neither of us had been to Sorrento before. It was a really neat town...a great last stop! The next morning we docked in Roma, and headed straight to the airport to go home. It was a wonderful trip!

We had fresh fruit granitas. Yummy!


Our last port was Napoli (other than ending in Roma). We took a hydrofoil to Capri and went up to Ana Capri for a little while. The blue grotto was closed that morning. So we didn't stay in Capri all day, since we had both been before.


Brent and I have wanted to go to Santorini for so long! It lived up to our expectations and more! It was GORGEOUS! We tendered in to Fira and then went to another small town on the tip of the island, Oia. From Oia we went to one of the black beaches. After getting some sun, we went back to Fira and did last minute shopping and got our last gyros.


We toured Rhodes Old Town and the Palace of the Grand Masters before heading to the beach in the afternoon.


We first took a bus out to the ruins of Ephesus. There were so many! They were incredible!

We then went back into town and walked around the markets for a while.