Monday, August 16, 2010


Brent and I flew into Rome and hopped on the first train to Cinque Terre (in Italian meaning the "five lands"). It was a long trip, but SO worth it! We stayed in Vernazza for two nights and Riomaggiore for one. We did the hike that goes from the first town to the last (7 miles), but broke it up over a couple of days since we were staying in between. The hikes were GORGEOUS, leading us up above the towns for SPECTACULAR views! We LOVED it and can't wait to return!



The hikes were gorgeous! We weaved in and out of the mountains along the coast through orchards and vineyards. The hike between Monterosso and Vernazza and the hike between Vernazza and Corniglia were the most strenuous. The other two were very leisurely.



VIA DELL'AMORE (between Riomaggiore and Monorola)
This is the easiest stretch of the hike; really it's just a 20 minute stroll. Before the railway connected the two towns, couples would follow this walk to meet up. The walk is marked by graffiti walls declaring their love and padlocks. The traditions make for a really cool and unique walk.